In contentment "there is a compound of all graces". It is not merely an exercise of a natural quietness, nor a sturdy resolution. Neither is it from natural (unsanctified) reason. This grace is truly spiritual. It is a grace. Burroughs will expound more on this grace when dealing with the Mystery of Contentment. For now, he only wants to show the difference. He explains it thus:
Admonishment: Be broken for sin, joyous for trials."Those who are content in a natural way overcome themselves when outward afflictions befall them and are content. They are just as content when they commit sin against God. When they have outward crosses or when God is dishonoured, it is all one to them; whether they themselves are crossed or whether God is crossed."
For Your Consideration: Does your emotion and "contentment" match the situation. Are you always joyful, even in the midst of sin--or does it cause you to mourn? Are you mourning under affliction and refusing to look to Christ? We must pursue brokenness for sin and joy in the midst of trials.