Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Now that school is back in session I should be able to post a little more frequently....but we will see. These last few weeks have been quite hectic. My computer crashed. We had a great few days of vacation in Branson, MO. (And yes, I still don't like country music). We also were saddened during our vacation to hear that Nikki's grandfather had passed away. So, we also were busy with funeral stuff as soon as we got back home. And finally yesterday, thanks to my dear friend Brian, I got my computer back! So, hopefully I can post more in the upcoming months. I leave you with a quote from Sam Storms (I'll probably use it Wednesday):

"If you listen closely to what is being proclaimed on Sunday mornings, you will discern two dominant themes: conquering and coping. How can I conquer my world? How can I enter into my destiny? How can I triumph over my enemies and claim my inheritance? How can I better cope with life’s daily struggles? How can I relate more effectively with my peers and co-workers? If Christ is mentioned, and he usually is, he exists to aid us in our search for significance. He is important only so far as he awakens us to our importance. We talk about him so we can feel good about ourselves." -Sam Storms, from "How Rich the Word of Christ"

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