This will certainly prove to be controversial: What will we be in the SBC? by Tom Ascol.
Taylor Buzzard gives us a helpful Algebra equation to mark our time left with our children under our care: x/18=y. According to this formula I already have spent 10% of time with Isaiah under our care. Read the article.
Both Nathan Finn and Alvin Reid write open letters to SBC Calvinists and Non-Calvinists. Read Finn's to the Non-Calvinists and Reid's to the Calvinist.
CJ Mahaney interviews Thabiti. Check out Part 1 and 2.
I love this question by Abraham Piper: How would the Bible be different if you'd been it's editor?
Great article by Matt Chandler on Legalism. He also has good thoughts on Seminary.
Bill Mounce considers Ephesians 4:29 and blogging.
Michael McKinley gives 95 Theses (give or take 85) on Christian humor.
Showing his continuing maturity Joshua Harris lets us know what he has learned since writing I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
This raises an interesting question......should a pastor wear a speedo?
(HT: Tim Ellsworth)
About this blog
In 1832, after reading the life of Jonathan Edwards, Robert Murray McCheyne was deeply humbled. He related this experience in his diary: "How feeble my spark of Christianity appears beside such a sun! But even his was a borrowed light, and the same source is still open to enlighten me."