
To live is Christ, To die is gain????

Wednesday I challenged you with a couple of questions. Can you truly say that your life=Christ? And again can you truly say that your death would be gain? The only way to answer in the affirmative on either of those questions is a life that is consumed by faith in Christ. Below are links to two sermons; the one on Wednesday and then the one that I preached at the FCA event on Friday:

Wednesday's sermon can be found at and the FCA sermon can be found at

Also, I am really hoping that I am able to begin the devotionals again soon. Let me briefly explain the delay. First of all Brian McMillen and I are working hard on (more Brian than I) on revamping the youth building. Secondly, I am in the process of implementing our summer student leadership program. So, my time has been taken up in these ventures along with sermon preperation. Also, I have been battling an ongoing cold for the past week or two. So, hopefully Lord willing next week my schedule will be a little better and I can begin putting more time into the blog...

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I apologize that it has been so many days since I posted on here. I realize it is Tuesday and I have not even updated the Who AM EYE? I will be updating very shortly and perhaps we will extend this weeks EYE until next week. You will notice that there are a few new things, however. Check out the link to our events page:
Here you can find pictures of past events (Girls Lock-In and Heritage Mission Trip)

For a bonus tell me Who has this crazy EYE!

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