I need your help. I am working on something and I need a few funny "that guy" illustrations. In case you do not know who "that guy" is let me fill you in. First of all you do not want to be "that guy". Nobody wants to be "that guy". "That guy" is the guy with a comb-over that fools nobody. "That guy" is the dude decked out in eye black, $125 cleats, pinstripes, and wrist bands for church-league softball. He's "that guy" that yells at the umpire, screams at his team, and shouts a churchy expletive when he pops up. (I think I've been "that guy" a couple times). I need your help. Be funny. I need more "that guy" illustrations.
In some areas I am needlessly shy. In some areas I am annoyingly vocal. In some areas I think I have the proper balance. One of my areas that I am shy is in the area of broadcasting my preaching and teaching. I have recently been convicted about this. (See my post on Cinderella dressing up). I guess part of me just hates getting picked apart. I think I may be a closet perfectionist. Or maybe it is pride. That has to go. This quote by James Denney has stuck with me:
"No man can bear witness to Christ and to himself at the same time.
No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that Christ is
mighty to save."
I write all of this to say that the sermons that I preach on Wednesday nights will now be available for you to listen to...thanks to my good friend David. David has taken the time to record the messages, edit them, and post them online. Everything is really rough right now. This is no fault of David's but a fault of our equipment. Currently I am using three mic's set up around me because I cannot use only a pulpit mic (I move too much). We are in the process of securing a lapel mic or one of those ear-piece ones (so I can look like Britney Spears John Piper).
The sermon's will be available on the sidebar. Or you can go here at least for now. This week's sermon is on Ephesians 2:11-22. If you are curious as to what everyone was laughing at in the beginning it is this:

No clue who that poor kid is but I bet he got picked on in grade school.
If this is true then I will have a really hard time being a Browns fan this season. It makes no sense to me. With each passing day I get more disgruntled with the Mangini/Kokinis regime. My opinion would not be popular to other Browns fans but I actually liked Savage and Crennel. I think they needed a couple more seasons then they would have been a championship caliber team. But that cannot be tested and is nothing but an opinion.
Cutler to the Browns seems like a step backward. Contrary to popular opinion the Browns have two pretty solid QB's in Quinn and Anderson. Why trade one and perhaps a pick to get another QB. Seems stupid. This team does not need another QB--especially Cutler. Yeah, he picked the Browns apart last season....but I think Todd Marinovich could have picked that secondary apart. So, I really hope they do not do this trade. And if they do this and Braylon Edwards goes....how can I root for a team filled with players I do not particularly care for?
Okay my weekly Browns venting is done.

Okay my weekly Browns venting is done.
About this blog
In 1832, after reading the life of Jonathan Edwards, Robert Murray McCheyne was deeply humbled. He related this experience in his diary: "How feeble my spark of Christianity appears beside such a sun! But even his was a borrowed light, and the same source is still open to enlighten me."