Last night you were challenged to give your life to something far more significant than a blade of grass. I really hope that you caught the significance of what is being said. My prayer for you is much the same as Paul's...I pray that your love might abound more and more...I pray that your love might be grounded in knowledge and discernment...I pray that you might approve that which is vital...I pray that you might be presented to Christ as pure and blameless.

It is significant to note that Paul is "praying" for these things. One of the areas that I think I failed in last night is portraying that your "approving that which is vital" comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ. All of these things come as gifts of grace to us from God. You can not do this on your own. Remember John 15, "Apart from me you can do nothing". Not wasting our lives on a blade of grass is a lifelong endeavor. It is a constant struggle. Our sinful nature and our enemy the devil are constantly waging war on us. We will always struggle with this until we are finally made whole in Christ Jesus. But struggle we must! In the near future I hope to do a series on spiritual warfare.

The full-text for last nights sermon can be found at the following address:

However, it will be a little different than the actual delivery. That is why we are working on taping each service. We were able to get the music aspect of the worship service last night on video (I am still working on formatting it and figuring out how to effectively put it on the website).

A new WHO AM EYE will be posted today (Thurs.) a new quiz will hopefully be posted tomorrow (Friday) and a new devotional will either appear tonight or tomorrow!

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