Colin Adams supplies a handy 10 item list of what you can pray for your pastor.
Jared from The Gospel-Driven Church shares his Calvinism that is counter-culture to Calvinism. If he's correct I think I might be counter-cultural too.
Great article from Ray Ortlund concerning the biblical illterate culture that has sprang up in the church ON OUR WATCH.
In other news my hands a freezing in my cold office.
I like this quote from Tim Keller: What is the Gospel?
This is interesting. I've never thought of this before. Jay Adams considers the doctrine of Traducianism and explains why it matters. If you are as confused by the title as I was perhaps you should check it out.
Preachers, do you ever get afraid that this is the way you come across?

HT: Sacred Sandwich
I think my wife is a Calvinist too:
About this blog
In 1832, after reading the life of Jonathan Edwards, Robert Murray McCheyne was deeply humbled. He related this experience in his diary: "How feeble my spark of Christianity appears beside such a sun! But even his was a borrowed light, and the same source is still open to enlighten me."