
The Message of Haggai

Wednesday you were challenged to not waste your life. I sincerely hope that the Lord spoke to you in this. One of the great tragedies of our day is that we are plauged by "good things". Especially in Christendom. We have our Christian CD's, our Christian movies, our Christian books, etc., and the whole while we waste our lives spent on these "good things" and are never missional nor more importantly do we have deep vibrant relationships with Jesus. My hope and prayer for not only you, but also myself, is that we might have a single passion to live by. Let us not throw away our lives! Here is the full text to the sermon on Haggai: Consider Your Ways

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The Message of Habbakuk

I realize that I did it again...waited about a week or two to post. I apologize! It is a bad spiral that I would love to climb out of. I want many of you to come to our website--I put lots of work into it then very few show up. So, I get discouraged and do not update it. But, how can I expect it to grow if those of you who do come are not filled with the Word? Why would you come back. Therefore, I am going to make it a discipline to try to post at least something every week day. Here is the message from two Wednesday's ago on Habakkuk--When God Doesn't Make Sense

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