
Review of Thomas Watson--The Godly Man's Picture

Author: Thomas Watson

Pages: 252 pages

Publisher: Banner of Truth

Price: 6.40

Genre: Christian Living/Puritan

Quick Summary:

Thomas Watson is one of the most enjoyable authors of the Puritan era; he combines rich insight with captivating illustrations. One would expect, then, to breeze through 252 pages of such wonderfully written material. This would be the case if Watson’s words were not as soul-searching and penetrating. Watson is straightforward and calls sin exactly what it is. He does not lower the bar of holiness but paints a picture of the godly man as he ought to be.

After slowly reading and thinking deeply upon Watson’s 24 characteristics one is left feeling the weight of sin and longing for grace. I found myself wishing to hear from a dear Richard Sibbes, to remind me that my feeble spark of grace is enough. To my surprise a few chapters after exhorting us towards godliness Watson comforts us with the gracious words of Matthew 12:20. He, too, reminds us that Christ will not “crush grace in its infancy”.

And finally, Watson closes by reminding us of our union with Christ. It is from this union that the believer is made godly and considered godly. Watson comes full circle in this book. He begins by pointing us to the Cross. Then he paints a picture of what we ought to be in response. And finally, he points us back to the Cross for repentance and cleansing because we are often not what we ought to be.

What I Liked:

The word pictures that Watson employs are mind awakening. He paints pictures to help the believer think thoughts he never thought before. This makes such a soul-piercing work actually enjoyable. One can scarcely open the book without finding a metaphor on the page you opened to. This causes Watson to be remembered and very quotable.

Had the book ended without the final two chapters it would not have been as effective. However, had the book only contained the last two chapters it would not have been as effective. Watson does a wonderful job of raising the bar of holiness where it ought to be, then pointing to the grace of Christ when we fail. In reading through this book I felt the weight of sin and yet at the same time the depths of grace.

What I Disliked:

Watson does do a good job of providing grace and pointing to Christ. However, because this book is so soul-piercing one finds it difficult to get to page 222 without receiving comfort. It is occasionally hinted at throughout the book. As it stands, though, this book could be applied quite dangerously. If the believer goes about trying to attain the characteristics Watson mentions, and paint the picture of godliness himself, then he will find much despair. Therefore, it would have been more effective in my opinion for Watson to have paused occasionally and pointed us back to the Savior and to the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.

Because of this I would suggest three different ways to read it for maximum benefit. First, this would be a wonderful book to read alongside a book like The Bruised Reed, or a Cross-Centered CJ Mahaney type of book. Secondly, one could read a few sections of chapter four…stop…let the weight of sink in…and then go to chapter 11 or 12. Thirdly, sit down and read the entire thing in one or two sittings.

Should You Buy It?

I would certainly suggest this. Watson’s beautiful way of putting things is enough to recommend this book for your collection. If Watson’s words are heeded and they are used to point to the Cross and inspire in holiness then certainly this book is well worth whatever time you put into it.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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Refocusing Student Ministry

A couple of weeks ago I made mention of Lifeway's new promotional program which contained this statement:

"By focusing on students and helping them become all God wants them to be, student ministry leaders, coming alongside of parents, can help students know God, own their faith, and make their faith known"

We had decent discussion on this, although I would have welcomed far more discussion. My question was whether or not you agree with the statement. It seems that some liked parts of it, and others pointed out a few things that are not so good. Let me attempt to put a few thoughts down. First the positive:
  1. The statement of "coming alongside parents" is very welcome. The sheer acknowledgment of the importance of parents in the lives of students shows a major growth in "cutting edge" student ministry. Finally youth ministries are being encouraged to not only involve parents but assist parents in leading their own children. This is welcome indeed, perhaps we will see less lone ranger youth ministries that are divorced from parents and the local body in which it serves.
  2. "Owning their faith" is also a pleasing development in student ministries. In years past we would have heard know God and make God known. Of course that "knowing God" step was another way of saying "get saved". So, the principle was "get saved then go get others saved". We have seen the deadly results of this. Students really never got to know God. So, focusing on students owning their faith is welcome.

Now the negative:

  1. The first four words of this promotional pamphlet, "By focusing on students", tells me that nothing much has changed in "cutting edge" student ministry. Maybe this is being too harsh, if so forgive me. To me, such a statement negates everything they say after it. How do you suggest "coming alongside parents" and still "focusing on students"? Does this mean that you work with mom and dad to make much of their kid? If so, that is idolatry. More than likely it is marrying the old idea (you've gotta focus on the students) with the new--actually classical and biblical--idea (parents are the primary educators of students). What happens in this case is that "coming alongside parents" is given lip service and student minstry continues to focus on students.
  2. Furthermore, is it really a good idea to "focus on the students"? Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean that we should not be concerned for students, that our heart should not beat for students, that we should not love students, that we should "just preach the Word" without looking at the crowd. No, we ought to model Jesus in this regard. He loved people. Paul loved people. Look at Romans 9:1-5. Paul basically said, "I'd go to hell for you". This ought to be our heart. But our focus should not be on those we minister to. Our focus ought to be on God. If our primary driving force is students then do we not by our example neuter everything we tell them about "knowing God, owning their faith, and making God known"? The key to student ministry, as it is with any ministry, is being so enthralled with Jesus that you "struggle with all his energy that he powerfully works" within you. The more the leader (parent or student minister) is enamored with the glory of Jesus Christ the more that will catch.

Until we understand that curriculum, preaching, teaching, missions, fellowship, worship, and anything else you want to add, is to be about proclaiming and relishing in the excellencies of Christ we will continue to be focused on man to the peril of their souls. And I mean giving that more than lip service. I mean what John Owen said "If the Word does not dwell with power in us, it will not pass with power from us".

I will be blunt. And maybe this is too either/or and it ought to be a both/and. If so, then I deserve the rebuke. But my thought is that we are so entrenched in man-centered semi-Pelagianism that a "both/and" is next to impossible. Simply put, what we need is not Lifeway curriculum to help us get students to know God, own their faith, and make God known. We need student ministers and parents (as well as students) set ablaze by the Spirit of God, and so enamored with Jesus Christ that He bubbles out of us and the fire he has cast in our soul causes sparks to fly onto another so that they too are lit aflame by our glorious God.

Perhaps that is what it means to Know, Own, and make Known. But it doesn't happen by focusing on students. It happens by focusing on Jesus.

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