It feels about like a decade since I have posted anything. I am trying to determine if I will even bother blogging anymore. I am either going to take it more serious or give it up all together. Here are a few links to chew on:
Russell Moore challenges parents to discipline their children. "In short, a parent who will not discipline is denying the doctrine of hell." Read the rest here. (HT: JT)
Josh Harris offers his preaching notes to us.
These words by Carl Trueman need to be read: Here We Go Again
My favorite rapper, Flame, has been nominated for a Grammy.
Finally, an Amillenial Eschatology Chart
Matt Schmucker gives advice on pastor's dealing with discouragement. You should read it, with a name like Schmucker it has to be good.
I love Iain Murray. He has new audio available on the Puritans.
Thabiti gives advice on a member responding to a divisive elder
I don't think this one will be toned down for awhile. Tom Ascol again responds to David Allen.
Justin Buzzard gives us 20 books to read in your twenties. I've got three years left and have read six of them.
Tony Reinke explains what legalism is
Kirk Wellum has some great thoughts On Churches.
This article has been floating around in various places. It was orginally in Sinclair Ferguson's excellent book In Christ Alone. And has been posted for us to view on the Ligonier website: Santa Christ?
(HT: Timmy)
About this blog
In 1832, after reading the life of Jonathan Edwards, Robert Murray McCheyne was deeply humbled. He related this experience in his diary: "How feeble my spark of Christianity appears beside such a sun! But even his was a borrowed light, and the same source is still open to enlighten me."