The first thing to point your attention to this morning is Mark Dever's post on The 5 Points of Criticism. His 5 points are as follows:

  1. Directly, not indirectly
  2. Seriously, not humorously
  3. As if its important, not casually
  4. Privately, not publicly
  5. Out of love for them, not to express your feelings or frustration

In my experience we usually fail to "restore our brothers" in two ways. Either we do not attempt it at all, or when we attempt to do so we do it incorrectly. Hopefully, Dever's tips will help to curb our faults on the latter. HT: Between Two Worlds

You are also encouraged to join us in Reading the Classics Together over at Challies. Today we are looking at Chapter Four of John Owen's Classic work Overcoming Sin and Temptation. As noted earlier you can easily read this work online. It's not too late to join us. Here are the links to each chapter: one, two, three, four.

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